Your Event

Take your seat at the table. Join other outstanding and dedicated women and men at the Sioux City IA Go Red for Women luncheon. Hear the survivor stories, remember the expert advice, and Make it Your Mission to share in the commitment to fight the No.1 killer of women.

Join Us & Get Directions

December 3, 2010

Marina Inn
4th & B Street
South Sioux City, NE 68776

Auction/Social: 10:30am - 12:15pm
Program:  Noon - 1pm

Keynote Speaker

for position only
Katherine Keynote

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Our Survivor

for position only
Susan Survivor

Quisque consequat dolor vel nulla. Donec auctor augue rutrum tellus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent ac odio quis nulla

Breakout Sessions

Get inspired. Get informed. Join health and fitness experts, medical professionals, and women like you to hear the concrete steps you can take today for better heart health.


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